Quantitative Parasitology (QPweb)
QPweb is a free software and comes without any warranty.
Statistical procedures in QPweb are implemented using the statistical software R.
For more details about R see http://www.r-project.org
Please acknowledge the use of QPweb by citing
Version 1.0.15 (6 December 2020)
By using QPweb you accept that we record and store your IP address, browser type, and date of access.
- Jeno Reiczigel, (methodology and statistical programming)
- Lajos Rozsa (parasite ecology)
- Andras Reiczigel, Ibolya Fabian (web programming)
Version 1.0.15 (6 December 2020)
By using QPweb you accept that we record and store your IP address, browser type, and date of access.